-Things I've Heard Vic Say


"Enlightenment is knowing that what was planned was a party."  —Victor Baranco

Bee charmer Tim moves the bees

Flash from the Past! Tracy & the Firetruck

Summer Camp 2010

This summer, a gang of our good friends from Philadeplhia, joined by Judy-from-NY and all of us, had a spectacular week of "summer camp" - lots of fun photos...

How I Got Into Cal Berkeley

Sugar Goens Baranco

Sugar's experiences applying for her long-held goal of going to her Dad's Alma Mater, Cal Berkeley!

Choosing Your Family
This article first appeared in Communities magazine, Spring 2010 edition.

Aka & Da Kine Car
Vic excelled at seeing value in what others might consider old and worthless. He believed in loving people and things into beauty ...

Here and Now
I recall Vic saying that our Lafayette Morehouse property should be named "Here" and all the clocks should be set to "Now"...

Mowing Our Lawn
If you have a lawn, you usually have to mow it. In our case our lawn is very big, over 20 acres...

What is a Borange?
A "borange" is a concept that Vic described and named in the summer of 1976...

Boris and Sugar: A Pre-Borange Interview
Our community had the great fun of celebrating the relationship of Sugar and Boris. They were Boranged June 2nd and it was a magical party...