-Things I've Heard Vic Say



Evaluacy - A Lafayette Morehouse Guided Tour

The Evaluacy is a two-week intensive, designed to introduce you to all aspects of the Morehouse lifestyle and, if you're interested, help you figure out whether you might like to live communally, either with us or in an intentional community of your own. You will experience the opportunities, problems, and pleasures offered by interacting closely with others in the context of a one no-vote group. You will have guides to help to structure your time so that you get to sample a wide variety of the experiences and fun available. There will also be several sessions to discuss and examine all aspects of your course. A project to be accomplished with others is included, which creates a hands-on opportunity to explore goal achievement in a society where the rule is, "don't do anything you don't want to do."

Prerequisite: Basic Sensuality, Presentation.

And a startup course (which could be Basic Sensuality.)
Tuition of startup course is included if it's a course you've had before.

Recommended: Getting What You Want, Man/Woman, Hexing.

Tuition: $3200 & consent of the Registrar

Scheduled individually

Judy St. John, Janet Raibaldi, Colin Selig


Please contact the Registrars for more information.


Ashok and Alix's Evaluacy

Ashok grew up in Auroville, a commune in Southern India. He wanted to explore communal living in the United States and did a two-week residential "Lafayette Morehouse Experience." In his evaluation of the his time at Lafayette, Ashok commented,

"Community is a group effort, working together, having fun together, playing together but at the same time spreading a strong message. My two weeks at the Morehouse gave me that feeling. It felt like home, very welcoming and charming.

"When I first came to this country I was constantly looking for an opportunity to connect with people, so I decided to walk. I walked to the many common places but I still felt lonely. But it is not the case here. When you walk out of your room or walk in the property, there is someone to talk to and work with and learn from."

Ashok is now pursuing studying art at an American university and extending his in this country. We wish him the best of luck in his pursuits.

Alix took the Lafayette Morehouse Experience course at the same time as Ashok and will continue her stay at Lafayette Morehouse. She had a lot of fun in her course and especially enjoyed meeting some people new to her and making friends.

In addition attending course sessions, Alix and Ashok, with the help of their guides, explored many aspects of our lifestyle. Some of their activities included cooking and eating meals with others, going to Mark Groups, and helping produce and also attend courses and parties.

Every Lafayette Morehouse Experience course includes completing a communal project employing communication and interpersonal skills covered in the course, specifically, throwing "groovies" and making the work fun. Ashok and Alix combined forces to refurbish the Cabana as their evaluate project. They organized several fun groovies during which the door and building trim was painted and the deck rebuilt, complete with rope railings. Alix wrote about the cabana project, "I feel very accomplished with what we have done." Alix and Ashok had fun leaving the place better than they found it. We enjoyed getting to know them!