Summer fun at Morehouse!
Lafayette Morehouse News
June 2010
A new website feature: personal perspectives on our lives Livin' On Easy.

Check out the great new pictures on thewebsite!! * Look for the red asterisks *

Be sure to also check out V-Mail from the Vault new every Wednesday.

If you have any questions or want more information, email or call us at 925-930-6972.

Summer fun at Lafayette Morehouse


Philly's "Summer Camp" at Lafayette:
We look forward to welcoming a gang of our friends from Philadelphia who will be coming out this summer for:

Sunday With Cindy: The Crimp on video, Sunday July 25
Fundamentals of Sensuality, Monday July 26 and
Advanced Sensuality, Tues. & Wed. 7/27&28 -
           special midweek intensive.

These courses are available to EVERYONE.
You don't have to be from Philly. Come join the party!


Also on the schedule:
CommunicationAugust 7 & 8

Basic Sensuality August 28 & 29


Special new price for the
Expansion of Sexual Potential

Now 25% less for residential and non-residential versions.

Sunday With Cindy: Saying Yes to Pleasure in 2010
postponed until October 24, 2010!


Our beloved Cindy had a bit of a medical scare recently. The good news is that she's fine! The less good news is that she's going to need some surgery and since it's a "the sooner the better" situation, it's scheduled in the next week. Consequently, we are postponing the much anticipated Sunday With Cindy: Saying Yes to Pleasure in 2010, to October 24th.

This course is the culmination of a couple of years of very intense personal research on the part of Cindy & Friends... and we'll just have to anticipate it a bit longer to give her time to heal.

Meanwhile, on that same Sunday, July 25, we will present Sunday With Cindy: The Crimp on video at the special price of $200, $100 for reviewers. Taking or reviewing this course is the perfect step towards maximizing the experience of Sunday With Cindy: Saying Yes to Pleasure in 2010 in the fall.

Also, if you are interested in a more intense & personal look at your life with Cindy, she will be available for Audiences starting at the end of July, through mid-August.

Audience Prerequisites:
Basic Sensuality
