-Things I've Heard Vic Say


Mark Groups

Mark Groups Quick description

Mark Groups are independently run by the hosts.

Online tips

Please RSVP or pre-register since the Mark Groups fill up quickly.
Each participant must register & pay individually. Tuition is $20 or whatever.
Please find a quiet, private space, make sure you are well lit, and handle distractions in advance.
Please check Mark Group times carefully - some are Pacific time and some are Eastern.
Please log in 10 - 15 min. early to handle any tech glitches.
Thank you!

Tuesday Mark Groups
Leaders: Maxine & Dave, Linda

Next meetings: Approx. every other week. Contact Maxine for more specific information.

RSVP: Please email Maxine.

Wednesday Mark Groups
Leaders: Trisha, Sulfiati, Brittany, Bruce

Time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm Eastern Time

RSVP: Please email Sulfiati

Leaders: Sugar & Boris, Maxine & Dave

Date: Two Thursdays/month.

Location - In person!: San Anselmo, CA

Time: 7 - 9:30 pm

RSVP: Please email Maxine for more information.

Friday Mark Groups
Leaders: Carol Sue, Jill, Mickey

Time: Moving to in-person
RSVP: Please email or call Carol Sue 404-989-1350.

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